Tammy Wynette & George Jones
In all the craziness of punk & the total music snobbery of both punk & what is now called "Classic Rock", there was no room for country music. I kept my love of Loretta Lynn, Hank Williams & Tammy Wynette a closely guarded secret. In one blistering moment, on a lazy summer afternoon on Kenny's front porch, worlds collided as Pat the Punk, Al & I all confessed that we liked country music.
Al & I went to see Tammy Wynette & George Jones at Columbus Vet's Memorial Hall. The place was about half full. The audience was older, sober and dressed in denim & polyester. There were leisure suits, piped shirts, cowboy hats & red necks. We were terribly out of place. At one point a fat young guy, fresh off the farm, came over to talk to us. His date maintained her distance but watched the whole time. I wasn't interested in the kid. Al bullshitted with him. He would bullshit with anybody. Sometimes he even told the truth. The kid spouted some weird spastic drivel. On his departure, he told us not to let our meat loaf. I felt like I was the guy in the leather jacket in some 50s biker movie.
We waited. The show was late. Finally a guy came out on stage and told us George "no show" Jones was MIA. As the audience let out a disappointed moan, I started giggling hysterically.
Jones & Wynette had worked as a duo successfully for some time but due to his heavy drinking & failure to show up or to show up too drunk to perform, they parted company. Jones had just won 3 awards for his dopey, "He Stopped Loving Her Today" song, had been voted Singer of the year by 2 organizations & he had teamed up with Tammy again. Things were looking up for the guy. Somehow, I think I am happy he stiffed me. Tammy did a good show. She knew her audience & worked them well.
hey George! You owe me a song!
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