Sunday, April 03, 2011

A First Look at Wayne Lippert

Outgoing Cincinnati Councilman Jeff Berding named Wayne Lippert his replacement. Berding stressed the three Is of his decision making process.
  • Integrity
  • Intelligence
  • Independence

In an interview with Dan Hurley, Lippert claimed to not remember the third I - Independence. Not surprising as he has voted straight party line since his appointment.
He is apparently supporting Chas Winburn's effort to take the streetcar off the table even tho, in the same Newsmaker's interview he couldn't come up with a valid reason to oppose streetcar development & furthermore went on to say that "nothing" was off the table. The Integrity I appears to be faltering.
Hurley asked Lippert about a number of issues that have been burbling about for some time & Lippert replied repeatedly that he would have to study the issues. Seems that if you actually want to serve it would be because you care enough to know what is behind these issues. I don't know if this falls under the I of Integrity or Intelligence. Maybe in George W Bush's idiot savant theory he thinks ignorance makes for a good representative.
Berding quipped that a major factor in his choice of a replacement was finding someone who would be a thorn in the mayor's backside. Maybe this is where Lippert will excel.

Fishwrap story here.

A Google search for berding, intelligence, independence, integrity here

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