Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Challenge

About 3 years ago radio comedian Willie Cunningham disparaged the Cincinnati neighborhood of Over the Rhine, told listener & blogger & photographer Gordon Bombay that he was nuts to think the neighborhood could improve. Cunningham challenged Bombay (about 6:15) to go down to the area & report on what he saw. He did and reported it here. Cunningham remained silent.
3 years & 1 month later have made a bit of a difference. Now Cunningham, endorsing Hamilton County Sheriff hopeful Sean Donovan, is singing the praises of the progress being made in the neighborhood.
Now the question arises, how important is the endorsement of a guy who is pretty much the living embodiment of Krusty the Clown.


Kevin LeMaster said...

I find it ridiculous that people are going apeshit over three minutes of love from Cunningham, completely forgetting 30 or whatever years of his disparaging remarks of the neighborhood. Why is this news? Why do bloggers care? Why should anyone care?

Quimbob said...

I don't know what kind of influence the clown has. I know some people who enjoy him but just for the comedy value while others think he really has something to say. heck, Tryintafoolya hired him to open for a presidential candidate.
Maybe Donovan intends to use cleaning up OTR as part of his campaign?