Pat Buchanan talks & takes calls about the primary & his controversial book that got him canned at M$NBC.
This is as close as I get to talk radio.
"Those surveyed ranked him as least knowledgeable, least hardworking, least likable, least compassionate, and least savvy."When not trying to control your sister's uterus, Brinkman has been adamant about denying civil rights to homosexuals. That landed him in some hot water when his petition circulators falsified documents. The judge in the case, Ruehlman, a Republican, had this to say:
"I still think the real culprit is Rep. Brinkman.Brinkman's shady politicking goes beyond sex, tho. His moral crusade led him to another ballot scheme funded by out of state entities & his teaming up with ministers who proclaimed,
I know politics, somehow (Brinkman) falls between the cracks and is not prosecuted - the guy in power is the one who should have been indicted."
a tax hike would be preferable to slotsAnd, Brinkman's efforts to stop slots in Ohio did indeed result in higher taxes for Ohioans. Mysteriously Brinkman & his cronies didn't try to stop a Republican governor from putting slots in race tracks. In fact one of those cronies is actually serving in Kasich's administration.
"The issue here is Brinkman's lack of effectiveness.Obviously, Enquirer editors have a different view of ethics than Judge Ruehlman.
Few lawmakers are as honest, principled and consistent as Brinkman. But he exhibits those qualities to a fault, coming off as stubborn, ideologically rigid and unwilling to compromise. He's made many enemies in Columbus by refusing to see anyone else's side of things. This has limited his ability to work with others and get things done."
Tim Borchers, owner of Tampa-based City Rail Solutions LLC, said utilities often see streetcar projects as a way to get their aging infrastructure replaced at no charge.
"If you went to Europe and talked about the utility thing, they would laugh"
How do Conservatives and Liberals See the World? from on Vimeo.
"The memos to the city manager's office come at the rate of about one a day, and sometimes as many as three or four."
"The requests for information are usually no longer than two or three sentences. The answers sometimes take days of staff time to complete."