Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hats off to Wayne Coate's Recorder's Office for transferring the burial records of dead veterans to the intertubes. City Bleat reports the previously lost records
register the burial location of every veteran in the county who had served dating back to the Revolutionary War
The written records had been transferred to microfiche between the 1950s and ‘70s, and the map books were given to a local resident. Unfortunately the filmed records deteriorated over the years & the original books were lost.
Archiving is a PITA to put it mildly. It costs mney & the archives need to be updated from time to time (which costs more money). Eventually you have to decide what's worth keeping & what's not. Who knows what ancient knowledge has been lost due to the high cost of writing materials in the ancient world.
I haven't been to the HamCo library to look at the microfiched newspapers lately but the last time I did, the films weren't in great shape. Dunno if they had backups/masters or not. Just digitizing these suckers ain't foolproof either. Actually, you can be better off with old fashioned photography.
For now, one of the best things we can do is disseminate the info & Coates' crew's efforts are a step in the right direction.
And hats off to City Beat for publicizing their actions.

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