Wednesday, June 20, 2012

When I was a little kid, I got a Superman Halloween costume. It was the old kind, a baggy 1 piece fire trap with a cape & red mask. But it also came with a little cartoon flyer that gave the warning that the suit would not give you super powers. Duh - Supes got his power from a yellow sun. Anyway, it pointed out that donning the costume would not make you impervious to bullets, it would not make you super fast and you would not be able to fly. Even as a kid I thought this was kinda stupid but apparently there had been kids who put on the costumes & jumped off garage roofs (like it takes a Superman costume to prompt a little boy to jump off a garage roof).
I bring this up because people are running around saying certain politicians can and do perform superhuman socioeconomic feats that they really just can't do. They can put on the suit and that's about it. I know they say they do these things but they are politicians - aka sociopathic liars.


farragio said...

Great post and very succinct in summing up politicians' abilities.

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