But everyone there is friendly.
1677 Blue Rock Street
WWE went on, explaining its creation of an overtly racist character: "WWE is creating a rivalry centered on a topical subject that has varying points of view. This storyline was developed to build the Mexican American character Del Rio into a hero given WWE's large Latino base, which represents 20 percent of our audience."
"Mike Ziegler, senior vice president at Colliers International, said many people who think about moving downtown don't because they’ll still have to drive to get to a grocery store."The grocer will be one curently not serving the area. Why the city ignores other neighborhoods or drags it's heels helping local grocers in communities with less choice in grocery store remains a mystery.
"Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, announced Thursday that he would support a GOP filibuster of Chuck Hagel’s nomination to be defense secretary."But is Portman & his radical GOP cabal just embarrassing the core of the party?
"No one outside of a small core of hard-liners sympathizes with what Senate Republicans are doing..Just another political failure from SW Ohio…..
The entire episode shows them to be hopelessly beholden to people whose foreign policy views have led to disaster for the country and contributed to three major Republican defeats."
Let’s see if they can do something as easy and sensible as thisThe primary was part of the plan to change the system of electing mayors directly that the public voted on. That is - it's not up to council & any attempt to circumvent the voters is certainly not libertarian. His obvious disregard for the public and the democratic process is troubling. Has Berns' years at DAAP made him an elitist? Has his view from the hill filled his head with delusions of grandeur? Does he want to be mayor...
More than 300 people from Ohio’s tourism industries will come to Springfield for a statewide conference that is expected to bring $200,000 in revenue to the city.The Marriott Courtyard hotel has been working with the Clark County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau to lure more conventions to the area.
"Springfield is a very workable location," [CVB director, Chris] Schutte said. "You can leave your car in one place and walk to the convention sites or to places like the Heritage museum or our dining options."In fact, the conference center is less than an hour's walk from the 120 unit hotel and Heritage Center with Hardees, McDonald's, Rally's, Springfield Bar B Cue, Casano's, Wendy's, Taco Bell & Schuler's along the way.
Is the Republican Party, as currently constituted, even capable of conducting a foreign policy befitting a world power?
She added that red-light cameras generally are effective when deployed correctly. However, "because of the controversial nature of red-light cameras, I do believe an agency should consider everything else" before installing them, she said.However the article was marred by bistro statistical nonsense like
Simple before-and-after comparisons also won't do, researchers say. For one thing, intersections typically are chosen for camera installation because they have had a spate of accidents. That makes them due for a fall just by statistical chance.One of the problems towns have faced is doling out the cameras in a political way. The tech needs to be deployed by the traffic pros.
""No matter the motivation, rushing to complete the streetcar while there are millions of dollars in unresolved issues and a looming mayoral election is just not a good idea," he said in a statement."So, after 10 years of studying & planning he wants to slow down because of some unanswered questions? More of Cranley's FUD.5 years ago he issued 9 pages of mostly inane questions about the project in an obstructionist ploy to stop the project he had initially supported.