Let's face it, the Hamilton County GOP doesn't give a rat's ass about the county & it's residents. Everything is about Republican dominion & their old boy's network (including spouses, & cousins).
In a recent Newsmakers episode coroner, Dr Sammarco outlined a whole host of county agencies that could share the Mercy Hospital site in Mt Airy with the crime lab. Her suggestions were primarily law enforcement which fits in with the crime lab's purpose. The GOP's last minute bid to move the Board of Elections to the facility is wrong headed and not even a good fit as the crime lab requires a bit of security & the BOE is by it's nature a public office with people coming & going all day long.
HamCo GOP Chairman Al Triantafilou waged a dirty campaign against Sammarco in an effort to get his boy into the office based on a campaign of "everything's just fine at the crime lab". This is his move to screw the crime lab that he characterizes in a bit of Wally Butterworth channeling as a "failed Democrat experiment".
There's no point trying to work with the GOP on this - they are dealing in bad faith - but crazy begets crazy, so John Cranley has offered space for the BOE downtown. A roughly $700k/yr gift to county taxpayers from Cincinnati. Obviously not what the GOP chairman wants as he tries to drive a wedge between city & county. Cranley also asked GOP BOE member Chip Gerhardt to recuse himself from voting on the issue as he is a city employee. Gerhardt promptly resigned due to his fealty to the GOP death cult.
The HamCo GOP is so hellbent on rigging elections & attaining power, they will sabotage public safety without a second thought. They are behaving more like suicide assassins than the statesmen they purport to be.
The citizens of Hamilton County need an Atticus Finch.
HERE is the direct link to the Newsmakers interview.
As the Crime Lab turns here, here and here
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