Wednesday, March 12, 2014

They Walk Among Us

Sunnydale? Bon Temps? Add Springfield, Ohio to the list. Once a quaint happy town where everybody knew one another and everybody had a smile for one another.
Now it's overrun with vampires, werewolves & such. Fortunately we've got some middle aged guy & a couple teenage girls fighting to defend us with their Slayer Covenant.
The Daily Mail reports on a middle aged man who took his fantasy world seriously & enlisted teenage girls to join him.
It's kinda strange. I'm into a lot of the crazy science fiction, supernatural stuff Mr Edwards is into and, as such, frequently find myself in contact with young people & even kids online.
A. I keep my fantasy world out of the real world.
B. When I am dealing with yunguns, I am very guarded in what I say & frequently don't say anything. I sure as hell don't recruit kids.
In one of Edwards' videos he talks about how monsters exist. I think he got that right.

The Springfield Noose-Son version

HT to Losantville

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