OK, bear with me now....
The Telegraph reports that Beetlejuice is going to go nova probably sometime in 2012. Well, actually probably a long time ago as it takes awhile for light to get here. We will notice it in 2012. naybe...
Thing is, we have a presidential election in 2012. While there is no religious test for the presidency, some candidates wear their beliefs on their sleeves a little more than others. While somebody actually being able to predict the nova & politically profit from it would be pretty cool theater, what would people infer if it happened right before the election, right after or on inauguration day? Would politicians attempt to own it?
Could it validate Obama's hidden Islamo-Facist agenda of destroying America and the world?
Only one potential Republican candidate for the presidency, Chris Christie, shows any chance of defeating Obamma. Since he has "christ" in both his first and last names & the "second sun" could be translated as the second coming, could he be elevated to some form of Jesusness if elected during the nova?
Would it bring bout a rise in Mormonism if Mitt Romney were elected and this "sign" subsequently occurred?
Which Republican would most benefit from this nova occurring during the primaries? Mitch Daniels blames crimes against humanity, usually perpetrated in the name of gods, to be caused by Atheism. Would a win in a state primary by Daniels in conjunction with the nova result in a decrease in atheism or the persecution of atheists?
This event will seriously freak out the bats & make a lot of people batty. You read it here first, folks,
If this happens during an election year, it will have an impact on voting as people take a natural but uncommon occurrence & make it into some sort of divine omen.
Or maybe I am not thinking far enough out. Maybe the current impact will be less than what happens decades afterwards when the "Second Sun" kids, born during the nova, become adults & people imbue them with divine insight & powers and put them into positions of authority.
If nothing else, it will likely serve to further confuse Bill O'Reilly as to the nature of tides.
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