Image by Basil Wolverton
In a Cincinnati City Council Quality of Life Committee meeting, Chair, Laure Quinlivan, asked, "What is Cincinnati's image?". She wasn't exactly asking if the average shmoe perceived the city as a gaggle of beer drinking, chili eating German Catholics who were rabid over one of the worst football teams in the universe but what persuaded or dissuaded people when considering investment in the city. This does include people just looking for recreation but more importantly, how it affected people's search for a place to live & set up businesses.
There are a number of organizations promoting the city & surrounding area but they don't really work in concert.
The economic development department, almost cut to nothing in budget cuts has posted the site ChooseCincy as a portal for prospective businesses. They boast a "data Center" & the ability of a reader to compose a report of the information he & his organization find important. They also have a YouTube channel with a number of videos both promotional & testimonials.
The Cincinnati USA Convention & Visitors Bureau also has a site promoting the city to, duh, tourists & convention planners. They also have a promo video -
While the image of Cincinnati might be more like the image above, from Basil Wolverton's Bible illustrations in the minds of Cincinnati.com's commenters, the consensus was Cincinnati really has no image. Like many rustbelt cities, Cincinnati is just one of those places where people live, have jobs & cary on with their boring lives.
Quinlivan wants the various promoters to come together with a more focussed message. The attendees stated that this meeting helped a lot. What Quinlivan is asking for, however, is something businesses pay beaucoup bucks for & Cincinnati doesn't have the money. In 2009 LPK donated a logo for the city to use. It would be great if another agency would do the same for a brand for the city, even if it's just consulting for the various agencies doing the drudge work.
Fishwrap story here.
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