Saturday, January 01, 2011


After losing over $200 million in private investment before a tie was even hammered in, Governor elect Kasich is endorsing gas mining that, if it's there, if it is available, and if anybody wants it could make us all rich.
Lotta ifs.
The method used to extricate this gas from shale is called hydraulic fracturing. It tends to lead to groundwater contamination. Communities as far south as Springfield get their water supply from aquifers that are fed by Lake Erie.
This trailer for the movie Gasland goes into the process & problems.

The guy lighting his tap water scene is pretty cool. "It's not supposed to do that."
In Kasich's deregulation frenzy, it would be nice if he might lift restrictions that limit Cincinnati from pumping water further north. It would help out the city, negate the whole "privatization" - water district plan & could provide safe water for people who might very likely suffer from his gas mining scheme that seems a helluva lot iffier than the 3C train at creating jobs & prosperity.

1 comment:

5chw4r7z said...

And there's the little thing with the earthquakes appearing where they never have before after this type of drilling commences.