The porno guys on the web have been pushing for a xxx suffix for porn sites for awhile. It holds appeal for porn businesses because it would make it easier for schools, libraries & parents to block their sites. Sound illogical? Well, it keeps them from having to deal with kids using their parents credit cards & racking up charges & then having to square it with parents who blame the sites & not their perv kids.
ICANN said, Friday, it will consider adding .xxx to the list of suffixes people can pick for their websites.
The problem around here in 1st Amendment challenged Hamilton County is that hyper active law enforcement types & psycho-pervs like the CCV could & probably would try to force all local ISPs to block sites using the suffix.
It would not be a mandatory thing & nobody expects established sites to change over. Altho the bible belt psychos would probably drool at the chance.
AP story here.
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