It was 60 years ago, today, that The Springfield Wildcats defeated the Akron South Cavaliers in the Class A high school state championship basketball tournament.
Elwood Pitzer was the coach. The event was held at the Columbus Fairgrounds Coliseum.
The WIZE audiocast was recorded by some goofball & wound up on ebay. It was purchased and digitally restored by Dick Hatfield & is available at the Springfield Heritage Center as a 2 CD set. It features the radio announcers, Pete Hanson doing rapid fire play by play, Ray Schwarz with statistics and Bob Christol announcing ads for the sole sponsor, Garrigan's Office Supply.
As you can tell by the clip above, it wasn't a rout.
NOTE: When this game was played, less than 10% of American households had televisions but about 95% had radios.
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