Miles Davis Music Hall 1987
Davis had been playing professionally for, what, about 45 years? In 1986 he split with Columbia & signed on with Warner Bros and promptly recorded an album with all the latest electronic gadgetry, Tutu.
I was driving a Sentra at the time & the daggone door locks would freeze at about 35°. The temperature took a turn a good bit lower than that the week of the concert. Fortunately, the gf's dad decided he would go to listen to Mr Davis play all his old classic songs from the 40s & 50s. heehee We snagged a ride with him & went on a double date with the gf's rents.
Parking was easy. He was a pastor at a church right across Washington Park, so he had a reserved parking spot. When we got out of the car & commenced heading to Music Hall, the guys made a bee line through the park while the frails veered north to circumvent the park & avoid the drunks in the park. We all stopped & looked at one another. As is their nature, the frails acquiesced.
Had great seats near the center. Since it was an older jazz crowd & we were on a double date with the old folks, I dressed a little better than usual. Through the course of the show, however, I think everyone in our aisle got up & left & came back at least twice & every damn one of those people stepped on my python boots. grrrrrr
The concert was good. Great, actually. In fact it was probably one of the best shows I have ever seen. Noticed one guy sitting there weeping. Dunno if it was the music or something personal, but it was some good music.
Apparently it affected the pastor who preached about it the following Sunday. He had expected to hear more of an oldies show, but Miles Davis doesn't tend to "look back". The pastor was delightfully surprised and enjoyed the "new" stuff quite a bit.
Although this double date went a lot better than the one where we went to the Toledo Art Museum, we never did it again....
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