or, Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse.....
A fella at Littleton & Rue Funeral Home in Springfield, OH, has taken to evangelizing the virtues of a healthy lifestyle through his Live Now initiative. Does he just not want to work on big heavy corpses? Actually, he just sees the effects of sedentary lifestyles every day & wants to do something about it. He knows he's gonna get ya sooner or later but would just as soon let it be later.
Some statistics from The Healthy Ohio Program that led to the LiveNow idea.
35 % of Clark County adults are obese.
24.5 % of Hamilton County residents are obese.
Heart disease, cancer, stroke, lower respiratory disease, diabetes and unintentional injuries accounted for 69.7 % of the resident deaths from 2004-2006.
Hamilton County is slightly better at 64.5 %.
In Ohio, 33 percent of children — more than the national average — are considered overweight or obese.
The LiveNow website lists ideas, events and resources to getting started on that more active lifestyle you vowed to live on January 1 & forgot about January 3. The organization is planning on partnering with other groups involved in fitness & health like the Y.
It seems kinda counter intuitive but Cincinnati, although larger than Springfield, is really a better town for walking and biking with all the little neighborhoods that offer many of the amenities of a small town.
Maybe the funeral director should try resurrecting non-motorized funerals with mourners walking behind a horse drawn hearse.
Noose Son story here.
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