The Electric Light Orchestra 1975 - Dayton Hara Arena
The Electric Light Orchestra was still touring the album, Eldorado. Two of my old buds spent the better part of their first decade in England and listened to the pop music their older sibs played. Some of the popular 60s british bands didn't translate well to the US. One of these bands was The Move. The first I heard of the Move was when they reformed as ELO and was pretty much under the leadership of Roy Wood. Wood was getting weirder and weirder and left the band to the much more commercially minded Jeff Lynne. He took the concept & ran with it with Bev Bevan pounding out the drums.
This band had a couple cellists, a violinist, electric bass, guitar, drums and people switching on & off keyboards. Lynne played a gold Les Paul.
This was a pretty good show although Lynne looked pretty wrecked. A friend claimed he was discreetly flipping off the audience. I missed that. He was great at classic rock-n-roll guitar & the string section (yeah I know a guitar is a string instrument) was into rocking out as much as their more traditional RnR bandmates.
It was hot.
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