Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Headline reads, "Do NOT steal a car from the FBI", but, hell, why not? The agent's car (actually the taxpayer's car) was left unattended probably blocking the sidewalk and even tho the location is usually crawling with cops, almost midway between the main police station & the district 5 station and just up the street from the police unions, some dimwit made off in the damn thing. The fact that he got away with it was one thing but that it took 3 weeks to find it is the real kicker. This is America's premier law enforcement agency? With the egg on the faces of the Cincinnati police and the FBI, the county proceeded to be burned by the dimwit when he didn't show up for sentencing after being convicted.
WTF people?
Maybe the state will want to get in on the act & release him due to some bureaucratic snafu….

Community press article here

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