Tuesday, February 08, 2011

ZOMG! I think I might have just seen COA T's next aneurysm.....
Where's Paul Newman when you need him?


COAST said...

Cool parking meters!
Looks expensive though...

Let me guess, the salesman said if we buy 10,000 of them, the city could make billions and billions of dollars. And UC Econ Dept rubber stamped that conclusion. So now we'll borrow a shitload of money to do it.

Is that the deal?

Quimbob said...

They didn't mention cost. Switching is pretty easy, it just replaces the guts.
By using your credit card you are giving away some personal info & the presenter at city hall suggested an automatic ticketing process could be implemented.
Time for an Action Alert?
Heck, even I could fan the paranoia fires with this one.