Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Marek Tyszkiewicz v. Brad Wenstrup LWV Debate

An extremely high tech recording of the Tyszkiewicz / Wensrtup debate hosted by the League of Women Voters. Both appear affable. Both appear intelligent. Wenstrup's solutions seem a little more party line rhetoric than Tyszkiewicz's. Wenstrup's wrap up is fairly over the top, cue the patriotic music & fireworks while Tyszkiewicz's are pretty weak.
be nice to have something in between but who cares? District 2 will go with the Rs no matter how useless they are.

http://www.electintegrity.com/debate">debate videos
tip for Mr Tyszkiewicz, Vimeo allows longer videos.


Anonymous said...

In regards to your "tip" about allowing longer videos: perhaps they broke them up into smaller segments so viewers can choose which issues to watch as opposed to sitting through the whole thing. Just a thought. As far as the "high tech recording", I guess they gave their Hollywood film crew the night off, because you know, campaigns have so much money they can waste it on high tech productions of a candidate forum. As far as the content of the debate, Tyszkiewicz offered real, creative solutions to problems that effect Ohio's 2nd district...something wenstrup hasn't done in the 2 years he's been there.

Quimbob said...

I'd agree about Wenstrup & Tyszkiewicz contentwise, but people do notice production quality. People will really eat up Wenstrup's TV ads (unfortunately).
I certainly saw your point on breaking up the videos but it was also a PITA to have to continually click click click...