Sunday, May 05, 2013

Nobody Likes You When You're Dead
Well, it appears terrorist & mass killer / mass maimer, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, went from being one of America's most wanted to the stiff nobody wants overnight.
Funeral director Peter Stefan took the body for funeral arrangements but now he can't find a cemetery for a burial. Cemeteries may just not want the guy but some don't want a grave that would attract both people who might revere and vilify the guy. Russia doesn't even want him.
Obviously an unmarked grave is in order - where? I dunno. Cremation is out due to religious reasons. The mean guy in me says cut him into parts & feed him to pigs - the nice guy in me says the torment in him that filled him with such hate and drove him to commit such atrocities is over and he should be laid to rest.
Maybe somebody wants to carry his ass up a mountain & give him a sky burial?

NYT article here

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