Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Trials & Tribs of Pussy Riot
10vor10 vom 24.04.2012

FOr the life of me, I can't figure out if these chicks actually play music with a drum track or just jump around & scream and then add the music to their videos later.
Regardless, a 7 yr sentence for their fairly goofy actions is kinda ridiculous. They have also done their kinda flash performances around subways & such. The performance that got 'em in trouble was an anti Putin performance performed in an orthodox church.
They have invaded the subway, the street and even Red Square (or whatever it's called now). The Russian language certainly works for protest type singing, tho.
Still, when I look at these chicks I just get a mental image of them sitting around drinking, listening to music & knitting their crazy looking masks.

Wiki (en) details here
or in their own words

thx to Kathy X for spouting off about this.

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