Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Leave It Alone

As I watch Cincinnati's mayor torture his city, playing cruel games that only he can find twisted sport in, I am reminded of the demented hunchback dwarf, Fritz, in the movie Frankenstein.
John Cranley's latest scheme is to transform Burnett Woods in Clifton. A perfectly fine park that provides some forestry in an otherwise paved & over developed community. But Cranley finds the woods 'scary' & wants to screw with nature some more. The return on such a project would be minimal if not a loss.
heck, Burnett Woods doesn't even get mentioned in The Windbag's $782M squandering manifesto.
A much better plan would to develop Wesleyan Cemetery and actually generate some revenue as outlined here.
Cranley's strategies of borrowing, giveaways & torture for no apparent reason will bankrupt this city & leave it's citizens burning it down in waves of fear & anger.
Torturing the monster didn't end well for old Fritz & didn't help the relationship between Dr Frankenstein & his monster. I urge John Cranley to put down the whip & use the torch to illuminate and lead instead of satisfying some angry craving.

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