Sunday, March 20, 2016

But this is how we always did it before ...

The city of Cincinnati & the county of Hamilton have invested bazillions of dollars in the Cincinnati riverfront. A park, a parking lot, a couple highways, a transit center, a marina & a streetcar line all come together very neatly. About the only thing missing is an airport.
Gone are the days when we have to close down streets & the Bus hub, Government Square, to host events like Oktoberfest & Taste of Cincinnati.
But the city doesn't want to embrace the new world - it wants to snarl & strangle it with new legislation specifically aimed at the streetcar.
[the legislation] would establish that the Southwest Ohio Transit Authority — tasked with overseeing streetcar management and operations firm Transdev, Inc. — must halt streetcar service during city “heritage special events,” if requested at least 90 days in advance.
Meanwhile, the new park, parking lot & transit center would sit empty.
Gathering dust...
The establishment, like Cronus, is sacrificing the future to retain it's old power structure.

More @ WC3PO

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