Sunday, September 09, 2012

I Can't Read
I give up. I can't read these fucking things. Maybe I am a robot. Some guy online recently asked me if I was related to the great Geoff Peterson, so, maybe that's the problem. I might be having a Rachael moment here....


VisuaLingual said...

Same here! As a designer, you would think that my ability to recognize and distinguish characters would be better than average, but these things make me feel pathetic.

Quimbob said...

I tried the sound thing - that was even worse.

esbboston said...

What's the matter? I can read them just fine, the first one says squirmsquigglesquashsquaresquiggletfourthreetwonone
Of course there is obviously wrong with the computer on the receiving end, because it says I'm wrong, imagine that!

The person who invented this system should be flogged in public by every person he/she has pained/annoyed and wasted our time. And then there should be a legal process to have his/her computer degree of any type removed from the system. Lastly, he/she should neVer be aLLowed to program any computer again, ever, and that should carry into any future reincarnations.

I am fixing to try the real squiggles interpretation: 33generEc

If I get it the first time you won't see anything else on this comment, and more importantly, you wiLL have witnessed a miracle .....