Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Redistricting Reform
With the failure of the ballot initiative to reform legislative districts in Ohio, we have left it in the hands of the partisan cronies - no matter what hat they ear. Rebloodlicans & the Fishwarp indicated reform was needed but not that reform. So what's the new plan? A letter from the LWV says, essentially, nice try.
This is the kind of thing that should be hammered out by the legislature so the good & bad of ideas can be bounced back & forth till a best or most acceptable plan can be made.
But those guys ain't gonna do it.
If we can get some dialogue going maybe we can get a plan on the ballot every election. That won't cost much. Eventually we would wear down voters & get something passed - like the casinos did.
Another way to get reform going would be to do what the smoking ban folks did & offer a couple choices for the voters in one election. To this day I wonder how many people thought they had to vote for one or the other in that election.
Whatever, the cowards in our legislature are not up to the task.

1 comment:

COAST said...

Love the new smokin' hot sidebar girl! Nothing sexier than a woman in skin-tight camo. Now if we could just give her a weapon, and put her in a less boondoggly setting, it would be a perfect picture.