The Sidebar Girls of 2012
Popular searches are about the same, Krampus, Grace Slick, Ashley Bulgari, Gestapo Training, Halloween Sex, Ron Paul tattoos, Köprü Tasarımları….
Visitors are from Cincinnati, San Diego, Unknown City (Pakistan)….
Top pages include Hot Robo Cyborg Babes & Hot Star Trek Chicks.
The Sidebar Girl has been a tremendous hit.
My Knowlton's Corner collection hasn't moved a muscle but it's a contender in Northside's Brand Evolution thing. The power of blogging…..
Nobody has sued me
My use of Google Web Fonts has really shaken up the internet in general.
I got rid of the &%^$#! Captcha thingamabob. Now I keep getting notifications of posts that aren't there, tho. whatever….
I have taken to embedding media with html 5 tags which has worked ok except in (surprise) Internet Explorer.
So what's up for the future? Just read this:
There are more abandoned blogs online than there are stars in our galaxy.And as 'uncle' Al Crowley pointed out, "every man and woman is a star".
So I plan on plugging away, asking all the tough questions, imparting my wisdom & wit to the masses & maybe one of these days I'll spring for that storefront & start a cult church.